Referral Program
Happy and invested Crusader families are our best recruiters, and referring us to your family and friends is the highest compliment you can pay us. In appreciation of the trust and confidence that you place in us, we are excited to share our New Family Referral Program. This program encourages our current families to spread the good word about the benefits and advantages of an MCC learning experience. We hope to increase the awareness of Muskegon Catholic Central and ultimately our enrollment. Please read the following program benefits and referral form below. We are honored to partner with you in raising your children to be lifetime followers of Christ, and we hope this program will be as much a blessing to us as you are to us.
Currently enrolled Crusader families will earn a $250.00 TUITION CREDIT for a NEW family that enrolls at least one student in grades K-12 and a $50.00 TUITION CREDIT for a family that enrolls at least one student in Preschool.
The current Muskegon Catholic Central family will receive the applicable tuition credit AFTER the new
family completes one semester of enrollment.The referring family must have at least one student currently enrolled at Muskegon Catholic Central to
be eligible to receive the tuition credit.Younger siblings of current or past Muskegon Catholic Central families do not qualify. A “New Family” denotes a family that does not currently have a PK-12 student enrolled in Muskegon Catholic Central.
The tuition credit is based on the number of new families enrolled, not the number of new students
enrolled.It is the referring family’s responsibility to complete and submit the New Family Referral Form prior to the new family’s submission of their Continuous Enrollment Agreement. Referrals cannot be made retroactively. No exceptions will be made to this requirement.
One new family form must be submitted by the referring family.
The referring family will be notified of the new family’s enrollment and eligibility for the referral tuition credit once the new family has completed the Continuous Enrollment Agreement.
The Muskegon Catholic Central Business Office will notify the referring family when the tuition credit will
be applied to their own family’s tuition account.The New Family Referral Form is available on the home page of the Muskegon Catholic Central
website or at the Muskegon Catholic Central Business Office. If submitting a hard copy, please forward to Carmen Mitchell, Director or Enrollment Management and Marketing cmitchell@muskegoncatholic.orgMuskegon Catholic Central Leadership Team is the only party that has the authority to change and/or
modify the New Family Referral Program.
Download the New Family Referral Form (PDF)