Academic Philosophy
The Small Blessings Childcare program serves families who need a safe, fun, and caring environment for their children, infants through 6th grade.
Your child will enjoy a variety of activities including art exploration, literature exposure, math and science exploration, dramatic play, large and small motor experiences, music and rhyme activities, card and board games, outdoor activities, homework assistance, and free choice. Weekly themes are coordinated with the preschool program and incorporate activities from the Curiosity Corner curriculum.
Muskegon Catholic Central Preschool & PreKindergarten programs follow an age-appropriate and developmental theme-based curriculum. This high-quality program engages children in active hands-on learning and meaningful relevant experiences. The curriculum builds on the needs and interests of the children and values play and social interaction in a Christ-centered classroom. Experienced and qualified teachers introduce early literacy, math, science, gross/fine motor skills, and much more!
Children in the MCC Early Childhood Academy also begin their own faith journey by observing together the beauty, wonder, and joy-giving elements of their lives. We help the child know a loving God through family and friends, creation, and their senses. We read Bible stories designed for their level of understanding, begin the day with prayer, and celebrate the Holy days and feasts of the Church. We also teach a simple prayer before snack and the Sign of the Cross. Christian living and proper social behavior are stressed in all of our activities.
We are blessed with the opportunity to educate our students in spirit, mind and body. We engage in prayer every morning. We also attend Mass weekly, pray the Living Rosary and have Adoration once a month.
Our dedicated teaching staff focuses attention on each individual child, to ensure that he/she masters the academic concepts that are taught each day. Our staff meet consistently in professional learning communities. Through these learning communities our staff is able to assess student learning through the use of continued informal and formal assessment.
Three times a year; fall, winter and spring, our students complete the NWEA Map assessment and the Acadience Reading Assessments. We continue to progress monitor students’ growth in their learning throughout the entire school year, to ensure we are meeting all of our students’ needs.
Our students are blessed to be able to participate daily in a fine arts class; Spanish, music, physical education, computers, and art. We invite you to spend some time on our school page, where you can learn more about our Preschool and Prekindergarten programs, Small Blessings Childcare, curriculum, etc. Most importantly, we encourage you to visit our school.
Academic rigor, college readiness and character development are the focus at Muskegon Catholic Central. Our high school curriculum offers an honors track and four AP classes, as students are encouraged to take challenging classes. The PSAT and SAT test results help the guidance department advise each student on his or her college selection. Ninety-eight percent of MCC graduates continue their education after high school.
Every student is known and valued at MCC as they continue to learn about the wonderful gifts that God has given them. As the students mature and become more independent, we are able to provide a faith-based teaching approach to the many social, ethical, and moral issues that they face in our society. Time and time again, our students tell us how much they appreciate the opportunity to pray, worship and share their faith with each other in a safe, caring environment.